
energyglass for biosphere
urbane farming


24/7 PV – shading
air ventilation
energyglass facade


square heating
ELI inductive port


Smart Lift
LED lighting


emergency generator
battery store


geothermal buffer

Smart Grid

SFL Energrid
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energyglass for biosphere

The SFL biosphere on the roof of the Science Tower is surrounded by energy glass. It generates electrical energy for operating the biosphere and is filtering the sunlight due to the dye of the energy glass – the filtered, transmitted light promotes the growth of plants.

The core component of energy glass is the “Grätzel-Cell” (also called dye-sensitized solar cell, DSC). Like photosynthesis in plants, this transforms sunlight into electricity using a dye. Grätzel cells consist of two coated glass panes whose interstitial space is filled with a dye and an electrolyte. As a result, the cells are not only transparent – energy-glass can harvest energy on both sides (the only transparent bifacial solar harvesting technology world-wide).

Furthermore, as opposed to conventional solar cells, Grätzel cells are insensitive to heating or shading. The starting products are cost-effective and have a low ecological footprint.
In order to be able to properly install Grätzel cells in facades or other applications, SFL technologies upgrades them to energy glass. Depending on the application, the Grätzel cell is processed into safety glass, laminated safety glass or insulating glass, additionally lighted or even encapsulated in plastic structures.A systematic application of energy glass is the biosphere, the greenhouse of tomorrow. Plant physiological studies have shown that energy glass in the glass envelope of a glass plant has positive effects on the growth of certain plant cultures. This effect is due to the fact that the dye used in the energy glass filters the sunlight so that spectrally filtered light is left uninhibited.

Themen im Bereich biosphere

energyglass for biosphere urbane farming windharvester


Science Tower GmbH

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